Are You Tired of Being Paid Less Than Your Worth?
Mondays don’t suck, your job does.
Yesterday was Monday, and I’ve heard Monday jokes around the water cooler all the time. Iv’e read shirt like “Happy Monday is an oxymoron”. Or people yawning and somebody would joke “did you sleep walk to work again?”.
Monday is brutal to me, especially before when I was working or reporting to a boss that for some reason, I am in friction with.
You know what I mean by that. I mean sometimes you ask yourself are you being paid your worth. Then you wish that the coffee will make the day faster.
I was like that before. I didn’t like what I was doing. I know for a fact that I was wasting my time. I was broken.
Surprisingly, I wasn’t alone. In the United States, almost 75% of the people don’t like their work. It is sad that we are just going through the motions to get through the day. Isn’t that sad that only a quarter of people like their life’s work.
One of the saddest statistic too is that a significant of people die of heart attack on Mondays around 8 AM, when they are preparing to go to work.
Isn’t that sad.
I have nothing against those hard worker in Starbucks, waking up early morning to work as a barista, or people in McDonald’s, but dude, you have options too.
When you decide to work for yourself and not for somebody else, it is something. And that’s the reason I and many other people too, is starting a business to leverage a lifestyle that they want, a life on their own terms.
While I was writing this article, the lottery’s pot is up to $1.6 Billion. One of my co-workers is collecting money to buy lottery tickets. It’s a bad investment, because it’s a long shot, but why not. What bothers me is that when he said “I needed this” and sounded desperately.
“I needed this.” That’s desperation.
To be honest, my life was like that before too. I wish to win the pot and change my life in an instant. Soon I realized I was playing the victim mode and I have to change my situation. I changed my situation and my disposition in life.
I changed boss, company and work.
And please don’t tell me you can’t change boss, the company and work. You can, whatever your situation is.
Please don’t kid your self that you hate your job but the “benefits are great”. That’s freaking terrible. Think about it, you only have one life. If you hate your job, and your boss, change it. Again, don’t kid yourself that you can’t find another job.
Although currently I am still in the rat race, I am actively working on my side hustle. Sooner or later, what I’m doing in the side will be a full time gig. I’m constantly working on my business to exit the rat race. I know that there are better ways.
Currently, I’m a six to niner.
That means that after work, I work from 6 PM to 9 Pm or 10 PM, working on my side hustle. I am selling information, my expertise to the people who needs it (I’m a chemistry tutor). In my current situation, this is where most of the heavy lifting is in order for my business to move forward and gain momentum.
To be honest, it’s purely hard work. I ask myself why am I doing this to myself, and I sometimes cry. But I always tell myself, after these struggles, comes sunshine.
Six to niner is freaking tiring. Imagine you are tired at your work, and I only have several hours to change gear into a business mode. But I know in the end, it will be worth it.