How Do You Eat A Whole Elephant?


Photo by Eric Heininger on Unsplash

One bite at a time.

I am fully aware that you heard or read this saying before. But do we really internalize this. I mean do you know how powerful this is? It’s freaking powerful if you know how to use it.

A friend of mine lost 70 lbs last year. That’s the COVID year. When everybody’s lockdown and eating home cooked meals. Although he chowed the same with everyone else, he lost an extra baggage weight worth the weight of a heavy back pack.

How did it happen? I’ll tell you in a bit. If you knew what he knew, then you can control your weight too, no matter what.

His doctor told my friend he will be dead by 55 if he can’t control his weight. When COVID struck and quarantine was enforced, he was already having a habit that tackled his weight problem. During the lockdown, he was already on a roll.

How did he do it?

His strategy will surprise you. Later, I’ll discuss his tricks that made him lose that excess body fat.

When he saw his doctor during the tail end of the year, around November, his Doctor just said “wow”. His doctor recommended to cut half of his blood pressure medication at the end of this year..

And I’ve heard that if this continues, I mean the weight loss, he will totally independent of the blood pressure medication.

How did he do it?

After he wrote his New Years resolution, he started a small habit to exercise. It started with just wearing his running shoes after work (you read that right). After he put his backpack in the car, he changed to his running shoes.

That’s it.

He never ran.

The second week, he went to the gym with his running shoes and stayed in the gym for 2 minutes.

That’s it.

He never did anything!!!

Doing nothing, in his running shoes, and after 2 minutes, he went home. He made that a habit: putting his running shoes, then go to the gym, then staying in the gym for 2 minutes, doing nothing.

That’s it.

After a week, he said, I’m already here, I’ll walk for 2 minutes..

That’s it.

Then by March of last year, he was walking 10 minutes.

When Covid hit last year, he was already doing 15 minutes. Nothing strenuous.
When the gym closed, he still put on the shoes and walked. By the end of the year, he was walking almost 3 hours during the weekend.

You know why exercising stuck with him?

Because he made it a habit.

Simple right?

He made it a habit. When you make things a habit, it’s hard to break, like a crack addict wanting for more. But you can see, he started with just putting his shoes.

That’s it.

By the end of the year, he lost 70 lbs. Can you imagine one of those 70 lbs dumbbell in the gym. Yeah, he lost those. Extra baggage.

I followed his strategy this year, but applied it to my eating habits.
Happy to report, I lost 3 lbs already. For this year.

It’s not much, but I still have the whole year to do only 20 lbs.
Join me in my journey by following me.

Because next, I’ll show you exactly how I lost 3 lbs, just this month (January 2021). Hint: I use an app.

Who said new year’s resolution don’t work?



Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry
Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Written by Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Maverick Author | Forensic Chemist | Drug Alchemist | Scientist (No worries, I don't write boring, dry, academic papers) | Storyteller | Gritty Entrepreneur

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