How do you say thank you?
I was browsing my Facebook reels when I saw a reel where a guy was interviewing a person.
The exchange was pretty usual, but in the end, it struck me like a volt of lightning from above, changing my perspective about life and how do I say thank you.
It started with a simple question.
The interviewer was asking if he can give the person interviewed $1 M today, what would he do.
“I’d pay my debt and splurge”, the guy replied, smiling.
“What If I give you $1 billion today, what would you do?”
“Same”, the person interviewed replied.
“$10 billion?”.
“Same, and give to less fortunate people.”, the person interviewed said.
The interviewer pauses, shifted his weight and asked, “$10 billion is yours, but what if with one condition, and that is, you know you will die tomorrow?”.
Without hesitation, the answer was, “I don’t want the $10 billion”.
If you know you will die tomorrow given that $10 billion will be yours, you won’t accept it too.
When the reel ended, I turned off my phone, looked outside the window, stared for a moment, and some tears roll down my cheek.
I didn’t look life this way before.
That’s what worth your life and my life is worth, and more…
Looking at it that way, our life is worth more than $10 billion, I always thank the Lord every morning for giving me $10 billion worth of something.
Don’t get me wrong, but I practice gratitude, every day. More than once every day. To let you into my routine, right after I wake up, I pray and already said my thanks. Then when my foot hits the floor, I say thanks again for I am alive.
Those routines just came to me naturally after practicing these routines for several years now.
Once in a while, especially during the weekend, I will open YouTube on my phone and I would listen to Tony Robbins in the Oprah show (you can search YT for this video, and try to practice it. The routine primes me for the day).
The video would start by asking you to close your eyes and physically touch your heart. With that you give thanks to your heart, you feel your heart, give thanks for guiding you, thanking God or the Universe for giving it to you, instantly when you were born.
You didn’t even ask for it, but somebody out there just give it to you.
It’s the ultimate gift.
The practice would go on for 5 minutes and I would recommend you watch it.
Here’s the thing, my gratitude won’t end there. Every day, my phone alarms around 10 AM and 3 PM. The alarms remind me to read my Note App for things I am grateful for.
These things include my family, the house, the work, etc.
But the insight from that interview is just profound for me. It’s like having a cancer death sentence and you survive and your perspective of your life change.
Have you ever had friends or families that are cancer survivor who tells you that their perspective in life completely changed?
That’s the insight of the interview brought me.