How to eliminate pesticides in your food..
As a former forensic chemist, I worked in a lab where we analyze chemicals (very sciency, right?). These chemicals are in amount considered to be just traces. You know, a very little concentrations of pesticides, for example, in the apple you eat.
Or the traces of pesticides in your salad..
One time, I called the Department of Agriculture to report that traces of cough syrup was found in a premium, organic beef…
Here’s my point, it’s organic, but why there were traces of veterinary grade cough syrup for cows present..
You know what the guys from DA said?
“We know”.
What the fertilizer?!!?
As a parent, I always think now where my food is coming from, because I’m scared. And as a parent with a kid who loves to eat fruits, I researched ways to eliminate dangerous chemicals from fruits…
Here’s a pro tip to remove pesticides from your fruits…
Click HERE..
For more info, click HERE..