How To Story Brand..
I read this in books but my perspective changed when a friend explained it to me
It was last weekend when I connected with friends. We were drinking a couple of beers and discussing how was life. It was father’s day, and we made this occasion to be merry.
I was talking to my old friend John. The reason I wanted to talk to him was because he has a business.
For two years now, I’ve been trying to scale up a business My first attempt was Amazon Private Label business model. It failed. I am in my second attempt growing a business. This time, I’m selling information products through sales funnel. (I sell chemistry related tutorials on-line).
So John has a non-emergency transportation business. He is a nurse and knew that some patients require transport from a clinic to different locations or hospitals.
Maybe four years ago, he bought a van and made this his first non-emergency transport vehicle. At that time, he hired his employee to drive the van, secured a contract to transport the patients of a large hospital.
Before this drinking session that we have, our discussion was centered on growing his business. He was working as a nurse at night and tried to work on his business during his free time.
Last weekend, he told me that he quit his job for good and went full time with his business. And the thing that we discuss was how did the “Gemini” brand came to be (“Gemini” brand is painted in the side of his transport vans).
So he told me that first of all, his zodiac sign is a Gemini (cheesy, I thought). But what he tells his clients, when he wants to secure contracts, is this story:
When I was working as a nurse supervisor, I have subordinates that I call “stones”. These nurses, goes to work for the sake of work. But there are nurses who really work hard and care about their patients, he call these nurses, “gems.” He always tell his gems that:
there is a “gem in I”, or GEMINI.
Sounds cheesy but this is the story he told the president of the hospital when he acquired the contract to transport non-emergency patients.
Russel Brunson, the mentor where I learned the Hook, Story and Offer, always tells me to look for the story if you are going to sell.
Without your story, you or your brand, is just a commodity.
My company name is Koji Creations, because my sons name is Koji.
So, what’s your story?