I hacked what Tony Robins and Jen Sincero were teaching, and these are my findings.
While at work, and reviewing data, I started to listen to Tony Robin’s teaching. If you don’t know who he is, let me ask you, where have you been then? But anyway, while I was working, I was listening to a Youtube lecture that was related to his teachings on how to make a breakthrough.
I been studying breakthrough myself because I want a breakthrough in my business too, but I just thought I don’t have it yet.
Robin’s teaching is that a breakthrough happens because you condition your mind everyday. You feed your mind with a role model or a story and putting yourself in a peak state so you follow through.
The hardest for me is the follow-through. I been studying and being aware of myself when I don’t follow through with what I should be doing regarding my business (which is on-line marketing).
If I look at my situation, I am aware that I’m a 5 to 9er. That means, after my 8 to 5 work, I have to work on my side hustle from five to nine.
The reality is that I only have 3 hours per day, to forward a business that’s having no momentum. I mean I been losing money for now but I believe I’m getting there.
So that brings me to the word believe. According to Robins, believe is certainty. It means that you have to believe it can and will happen. Without believe and certainty, you are not going to act or hustle or work. If you don’t believe that your business will work, then you are not going to act.
If you are not going to act, then your output will be lousy, and if your output/results will be lousy, then you’re not going to act. Then when you don’t see results, you tell yourself, “see, I told you it won’t work.”
Then the cycle continuous. You put less work, with no good results, and then tell yourself, “it doesn’t work”.
It’s a vicious cycle.
To let you in to a secret, my problem is that I don’t put much work. Although I believe that business success can happen or it will happen, I don’t put in the work. You know why?
Later, I’ll tell you why I don’t worked that hard. Hint: It’s procrastination and I don’t have a strong why.
Anthony Robins recommends that you should have a strong “Why” or purpose or reason why you are doing what you are doing.
For me, one of my why is my kid. My 13-year old kid wants to play basketball in a higher level. I want him to train at IMG Florida, and I want to afford the tuition so he can attend a month long training in Bradenton, Florida.
That’s my why (or one of my whys).
Imagine this, you are pushing a big boulder up the hill. For you to start pushing that boulder, you need a reason why you need to push that boulder.
Once you get the boulder moving, you need momentum to push against the gravity pulling down the boulder. Every time the boulder slips back, you need to push it back again. To keep it pushing, you go back to your why again, and again and again. Why are you doing what you are doing.
In my case, I always visualize that I already have the money, for my kid to enroll at IMG.
Now to keep working, you have to believe you can accomplish what you need to do. Believe is a beat up word, but a better word should be certainty. You should have certainty that it will happen.
But how can you have certainty if the world is not giving it to you? I mean, you are down $10k, how do you strengthen your believe that you can accomplish your goals?
Every morning, I visualize the results that I already achieve it. I visualize that I dropped my kid in his dorm and bade goodbye. I can smell the gym, the world class facility.
I visualize he’s excited and thanking me for the opportunity. I see his coaches telling me he will be okay. I see every night my kid calling me that he is learning new drills and getting better very day.
Essentially, I practice having results in my head already. I condition my self seeing the results already.
I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s autobiography titled “Total Recall”, and what strike me the most is that every time he was working out, he was smiling, because he visualize the Mr. Universe Trophy every time he lifts the weight. This was a an accurate description of visualization, of having the results already in his head.
But Arnold’s success is very simplistic if we say it was because of his visualization only. Not the case.
I know visualization is not enough, because I’ve done it but visualization is just one exercise in my arsenal of improving myself in business. I practice visualization everyday.
One of the famous example in the self help/productivity circle is the story of Roger Bannister. Before Bannister broke the 4-minute per mile pace, nobody believes that a runner can break the 4-minute a mile pace. Science say it’s physiologically impossible. But Bannister trained for it, running it in his mind too that he can break the barrier.
Next, I will discuss how Jen Senciro look at these things.