Jen Sincero’s teaching about motivation is slightly different from Tony Robins


But in reality, it’s almost the same but it’s not the whole story.

If you stumbled upon this writing, and don’t know who Jen Sincero is, she is the author of self help books. I read (or listen) to her audiobook “You are a badass in making money”.

On the other hand, Yesterday, I wrote a short piece related to Tony Robins on how to make a breakthrough in life (click on my image and read my publish stories).

Tony Robins will not say he is a motivator, because he hates that word, a motivator. He will admit though that he is the why guy. He ask the question why are you doing what you are doing. He is the CEO whisperer slash life coach that ask you the question why are you doing what you are doing, today, and not yesterday or a decade ago.

He will start with that basic question. It’s simple, but anything simple is hard to answer.

I dissected what Jen was teaching about how to make money, and basically starting a business to be financially stable and independent.

Just like Tony Robins, her teachings tells you that you start with a very clear why. You must answer the question why are you doing this business. If you can’t clearly answer the question, then forget going into business.

When Jen recommended to have a very clear why, the things that came into my mind is to really picture out the life I want. Putting my why’s should involved the senses such as taste, hear, seeing and touching.

Remember, when you are about to quit, dig down, visualize and revisit again your why, your purpose.


It was 2017. That was five years ago today. My boss said he wanted to see me in the conference room. He ushered me to a chair. Across the chair where I sat was the HR manager. My boss sat next to the HR head honcho.

Then they started the spill, then handed me the pink slip.

I drove home that day cussing and swearing and shouting I don’t want to see the company and the building and the people of the freaking company.

The days after the firing was harsh, but I started to dust off myself and decided to start my own business. I got a job later, finance my business and then read a lot of books related to entrepreneurship.

Today, I am working online, as internet marketer. It’s hard, that’s why I wrote my why and my purpose again.

As Jennifer Sincero preach, is that you should have a very clear and very strong why or purpose, because once the journey gets hard, you will want to quit (but don’t. Think you want to quit. You can stop staring at your laptop and go outside, but don’t quit).

The idea that the journey will be bumpy was in the back of my mind, but I didn’t realized that I really need to cling to my why for me to continue.

So here I am revisiting or re-writing my why.

Here’s my why: I want to live a lifestyle millionaire’s life. That means I want to live a life of my own terms. No alarm clocks.

I don’t want to work for anybody anymore, and be boss around. In short, I want to be my own boss.

But this is the thing, you don’t focus on the negative (I don’t want to work for somebody is negative..), so I turned my visions to be positive.

I visualize and imagine to be working alone in my corner office. Set up next to the dining is a small table where I work. On the table is a laptop and a TV monitor.

Without a boss telling me what to do, I sat down on my chair, a light blue physio ball. I can feel my back sitting up straight, and staring on my computer. Alexa Echo is on the kitchen counter playing ocean waves in the background.

This is the set up I envisioned.

I could see my Clickbank account with $234 on sales. Previous day was $1376.01, the day before that was $2876.28.


One of the powerful information on Jen Sincero’s thought process is the metaphor of your believe as driving a tour bus (which for Tony Robin’s, believe is certainty). In the tour bus, your thoughts are your tour guide.

Here’s the full description of the metaphor (but to be honest, I like Tony Robin’s simplicity of how he discussed believe and certainty).

”Your beliefs are driving the bus. They take you where you’re going whether you’re paying attention or not. Thoughts are the tour guide, working in harmony with your beliefs, but with all the veto power. Words back up your thoughts and beliefs, voice their opinions, anchor in their message, keep it real. Emotions are the fuel. Ignited by your thoughts, and can change your beliefs and the direction of your life. Without emotions, you are going nowhere new and exciting. Actions build the road. They pave the path for your beliefs, but will reroute should thoughts and emotions make a change of plans.”

If you ask me, this metaphor is complicated, and as what Tony Robins preach, complexity is the enemy of action, so I stay with Tony’s metaphor of believes and certainty.

Now that doesn’t mean I don’t buy some of Jen Sincero’s teachings. I do. Next, I’ll elaborate and demonstrate some of her strategies in improving my self and my business.



Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry
Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Written by Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Maverick Author | Forensic Chemist | Drug Alchemist | Scientist (No worries, I don't write boring, dry, academic papers) | Storyteller | Gritty Entrepreneur

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