On-line Business Advice Every Bright Shiny Object Hater Will LOVE!
I was alone, with my computer. Pop-up feeds are buzzing. I click the CNN news feed and the CNN tab appeared. Headlines say something about Donald Trump.
It was 8:30 AM, Monday. I was working in front of my computer, moving my on-line business forward. It seems like only 10 minutes, but when I check the clock, it was almost 10:00 AM.
I wasted one and a half hour browsing from Facebook, Tweeter feeds, and I can’t remember what.
At the end of the day, I listed all the distractions I encountered during my day. This was one of the productivity hacks I read before. Knowing what the distractions were, most likely, you will combat and avoid the distractions.
I did avoid the distractions the next day, it was an easy fix. The rule was that I only open the Window that I need to work on and focus my attention for the next 40 to 50 minutes.
I have a timer.
After 50 minutes, I go outside and stretch, do some deep breathing. My mind needs to relax, like a sprinter in the track. Sprinter runs in burst of energy and then rest. I’m a college athlete, and that’s how I excelled in soccer. Burst of hard work and rest.
Although I resisted those distractions, one thing that bothered me most was I can’t concentrate on one thing.
The first day I was working on my on-line business, I was studying Photoshop to make my logo. For two days, I made a logo. Then after the logo was done, I was studying Facebook advertising. I was tinkering on headlines, ad copy and image. Make that a 2-week gig.
Luckily, my mentor told me the saying, in business, know the “who, not the how.” It meant, know the people “who” can work for your logo or setting up the Facebook ad, and not knowing the “how” of making logo.
In short, outsource those things that needs to be outsource and orchestrate the band. Don’t learn how to set up the Facebook ad, but pay somebody to do that.
Your primary job is to orchestrate the band, not learn to play the trumpet, or be better in playing the flute.