On Setting Goals
One ad that attracted me so much when I was young was “Goal Keeping, Keeping Goals.” It was an NEC commercial. It attracted me because I played soccer, and later on, I worked with NEC, a Japanese company.
When I was also in my high school, these were the years that I was very active in sports, from soccer to baseball, and then I excelled in academics.
Tony Robbins once said, if you want to be successful, learn from the time when you were successful. Looking back, my high school years were the time when I was relatively successful, from getting good grades and leading the soccer varsity team.
In hindsight, if I peel off the proverbial onion and look into what made me relatively successful during that years, it was because I set goals.
From high school to current year, I could count several times when I was successful (and I failed a lot too). There was one time when I decided enough is enough thatI needed to loss weight.
My goal was very specific, 30 lbs after 3 months. This means I need to lose 10 lbs per month.
It was doable, so I pursued it.
I achieved these goals because, first of all, I have a very clear goal of what I wanted to achieve. And I have process goals on top of this goal to lose weight.
I learned what process goals were from my mentors in business. Process goals are the goals you need to do or master in order to achieve the end goal.
Looking back, my process goals were to run 5 miles in the morning, before going to work. It was brutal and hard work, and that’s why I achieved my goal.
At that time, by 9 PM (that’s right, 9 PM), I’m sleeping already to wake up at 5 AM in order to run 3–5 miles. It took me a lot of discipline to sustain the lifestyle.
Today, my goal is to have $1000 per month by the end of 2019. How will I achieve this?
Here’s my process goal: Get 1000 people in my mailing list.
You see, I’m an internet marketer. I sell information products to people on-line. One of my product is a Chemistry tutorial, because I have a formal training in chemistry. In addition, I was an instructor for General Chemistry in a nearby community college.
My mentor in business always tells me that the riches is in the list, your mailing list. I took that advise seriously. If you have a mailing list, you can sell to that customer without advertising.
For good internet and email marketers, the number is around $4–6 per person in your mailing list, per month.
That means, if you have 1000 people in the list, you can rake $4 to $6 k per month. If you mess it up, the statistic could be $1 per person per month.
That means, if I have 1000 people in my mailing list, then if my numbers are not that great, I can generate an income of $1000 per month.
Currently, I only have 90 people in my list, and counting. That means, I am behind by 400 people in my mailing list to achieve 1k by the end of the year.
I’m still learning. I still have 7 months to achieve my goal.
One of my process goals is to increase the number of people in my list, to achieve my main goal for this year.
What are your goals? What are your process goals? Do you keep your goals?