Saying mantras to yourself is witchcraft and woohoory, but I started taking it seriously.


Saying Mantras to oneself is not just self talk, it’s backed up by science..

A boy from Australia wanted to be a doctor, but there was one problem — he doesn’t have the money to go to medical school.

In one of the seminar he attended, the speaker talked about saying mantras and visualization in order for anybody to achieve their goals.


At first, he didn’t believe it, but he approached the speaker and asked for advice about his plans of going to med school but he can’t afford it.

The speaker, talking to the little guy alone, advised him to visualize a medical diploma with his name on it and say the mantra “I am a prominent surgeon” before he goes to sleep.


I know, bananas, but here me out here first, okay.

The ending of this story, for sure you know. But later, I will explain the science behind what I thought was witchcraft and woohoory.

So let me continue.

The boy was working odd jobs at that time, and one of his job was in a medical office, were he sometimes polish the medical diploma hanging on the wall. He would do it with pride and visualize, in bold letters, his name on it.

Every night, he would visualize the medical diploma with his name engraved in it and say “I am a prominent surgeon”.

Here’s the ending.

The doctor which the boy work with hired him and taught the boy the basics of sterilization and those simple jobs related to medicine. In the end, the doctor paid for the boy’s tuition for medical school.

Now, that little boy is a prominent surgeon in Montreal.

So what’s the science behind?

Being a scientist, I dug deep before I believe on something, so the journey started when psychology say self talk works. The connection between saying a mantra to oneself is like self talk.

But it’s more than that.

I am an entrepreneur, a budding one. I work full time 8 hours and works on my side hustle at night. As an entrepreneur, my share of losing money is enormous, and there are times when I tell myself “I want out”.

But that’s were the problem starts, I talked to myself to quit and saying the mantra, “I’m out”.

One of my coaches said, you don’t quit. Let the people in your business fire you instead. And you take one day at a time.

So I followed my coach’s advice. But my coach added the most important advice I got in several years: You’ve got to change your believes, thoughts and words.

Easy right?


You know why? Because you don’t know your believes, thoughts and words deep inside you.

When my coach said to hire people for my business from a famous on-line freelance site like Fiverr, my mind went straight to saying “I. can’t. afford. it”.

When I dug deep into my thoughts and words, these were the words and mantras I heard from my mind, I don’t have the money to hire. I don’t have those kind of money, etc.

Once I recognize that was my bad mantra reeling in my mind, my coach forced me to say to myself,

“Money flows through me easily and freely”

My coach added, I have to believe it and clung to it like a baby monkey clings to her mom. It should be emphasize here the word believe (in my next piece, I will show you how to strengthen belief).

But let’s go back to the question then on why positive mantras work?


Our brain was designed to protect us. Period. By protecting us, it make us unhappy. Our brain was designed to protect us. Our brain only wants us to survive, to scan the environment for threats, and respond to those treats.

That’s how our ancestors lived. So the mind is always negative so we can survive and protect us from that tiger that may attack us.

But here’s the thing, we don’t live in that environment anymore. But still, the mind protects us. When I said to myself, “I can’t afford it”. My mind was saying, keep the money for the rainy days, that’s how you will survive.

Here’s another scientific basis why mantras work: OUR MIND CAN ONLY PROCESS ONLY ONE EMOTION.

When your self talk and mantra is “I can’t afford it”, it’s a negative thought. But changing it to “Money flows to me freely and easily”, it’s positive. As long as you really believe that thought, the negative can be displace in your mind.

You know why Gratitude journals work? Because you are replacing the negative thoughts in your head by positive things in your life. It’s like positive thoughts say “scoot negative thoughts, get out of my place”.

When I started telling myself “I have money” and visualizing my end goals, it was a game changer. It’s a very scientific and useful trick to pass those hurdles of “I’m scared to spend money”.

Once I spent that money to hire people, my business grew.

In my next piece, I’ll dwell more on why mantras work in terms of the conscious and subconscious mind.



Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry
Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Written by Emilio Cagmat, MS Exercise Physiology/Chemistry

Maverick Author | Forensic Chemist | Drug Alchemist | Scientist (No worries, I don't write boring, dry, academic papers) | Storyteller | Gritty Entrepreneur

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