I checked my credit card account, I owe the creditors $1000.
For a graduate student, that was a huge hole for me. What was my stipend at that time? It was less than a Wal-Mart employee earning the minimum wage.
To tell you honestly, I was living in a $10 per week grocery.
After hearing a Catholic mass on Sundays, I would ride my bike for a grocery. Only $10 budget.
I survived.
Today, every time I told my wife about the story, she looked at me like I was almost homeless.
Although I survived that lifestyle, went to work and was doing well. But suddenly, the economy turned south in 2009. I was handed the pink slip and my belongings. I really love that job, but they let me go.
That’s when I decided to own a business. I tried investing in stocks. Although you win sum, sometimes you lose some. It’s just the nature of the financial universe.
I studied Forex, the volume analysis and candlestick analysis. It was a friend who recommended me doing this. But in the end, I wasn’t living the dream of working in my pajama.
I tried Amazon Private Labeling, and lost around $3000. I know my wife wasn’t happy. I could tell in her eyes that, but she was still supporting me.
Then one day, I came across a book that was discussed in a Facebook forum. At first, it wasn’t something that I wanted to do, but as I was reading the forum, some commented that the book really changed their life.
One comment in the sea of threads caught my attention. The comment was saying that the author of the book has a mastermind group, and he only accepts a limited member per year. Every member pays $100,000 a year to be part of the group (I didn’t believe at first, but now I do).
Wealthy business people are begging to be part of the group. And I’m not kidding when I say there’s a waiting list to be part of the mastermind group.
I know I can’t afford the mastermind group.
But here’s the thing, one of the group member who was selling online for around $10,000 a month said, he can’t afford the mastermind group too before, but he read the book like crazy.
If the book produced $10,000 a month, will the book be worth $10,000 a month?
It is worth that much.
This was months ago. After reading the thread, I ordered the book, and slowly I been gaining traction.
I haven’t match the $10,000 a month revenue, but getting there slowly. Everyday is a process of becoming. I am very grateful for the opportunity very thankful for the book.
If you can see my book today, it is full of Sticky Notes in the side (I don’t like highlighter so this is what I did). It is full of paper clips.
I read it every night. I don’t recognize the book because of the Sticky Notes and paper clips. But I don’t recognize my life also because the book changed my life so much.
I’m dropping the link here just in case you want to read the book. The title of the book is “DotCom Secrets.” Click here for the book. It’s free, you just pay the shipping and handling.