It was last year, 2019, when I received the news that my friend died of Leukemia. She fought a hard battle. It was a long years of struggle, and I message her most of the time via Facebook messenger.
I messaged her everyday, to encourage her.
There was a time when I told my friends on Facebook to post in her feed “Keep Chopping”. It was inspired by a coach who instructed his team to keep on chopping until the tree fall.
She told me that it started with her weight dropping suddenly. Her pants became very loose. It was the start of you know what I mean.
Cancer ate her slowly, painfully.
When she was released from the hospital after a very painful chemo, she went home from the hospital with her husband almost midnight. Her hair was falling. When she saw her daughter sleeping in the bed, she cried.
And cried a lot.
She told me later that she kissed her daughter several times, thanking that she can still see her grow. My friend told me she took her bandana that covers her balding head and wiped her tears. When she was done, the bandana was soaked.
Unfortunately, she died last year. When she died, her 11 year old daughter cried a lot. She died in an army hospital, since her husband was in the army. But when she took her last breath, her husband was not beside her bed. Her husband called the hospital and instructed the personnel to not touch the body (they just covered the body with a blanket). He drove to see her alone. He’s in the army, but when he got out from the room, his eyes were red.
Cancer does that to families.
My mom died of cancer last year too.
You know that’s the hardest part of losing somebody in general, is when I tried to throw away the things my mom left. My brother and I were trying to sort things out, and everytime I put things to the bin labelled “To be donated”, I felt that I was losing my mother forever. She loves books, and that was the hardest to let go.
The battle to eliminate cancer is ongoing. But I think we can do our own share to keep it at bay. Obviously, we need to exercise and eat healthy, add more fruits and vegetables and all the good stuff that you hear from the media.
But there’s two things that I want to discuss today, because these are very important. First one is that we are polluted with a lot of chemicals in our body. The second one is that we need natural supplements to keep diseases at bay.
Did you know that Viagra was supposed to be for blood pressure medication?
You probably knew that. But what’s my point?
My point is that we churn up a lot of new chemicals everyday. We are not only polluting our environment but we are polluting our very own body.
After World War II, when the U.S. produced a lot of chemicals for the war, chemical industries didn’t know what market they needed to supply. But you know the answer already: chemical industries not just supply the US army today. Pharmaceutical churn a lot of chemicals and even the food and beverages industry.
That’s when chemicals became a fabric of our being. From Laundry to cooking, we use synthetic chemicals.
In our household, we try not to use synthetic chemicals. It’s hard. We failed a lot, but we tried.
Later, in the second part of this article, I’ll show you more ways to eliminate deadly chemicals in our household and body.
Lastly, I’ll discuss the things that we can easily do, such as taking supplements.