Why 80% of People Hate Their Job And Most Don’t Do Anything About It.
Yesterday, I wrote a strategy on how to beat procrastination. The strategy came was a necessity since I always procrastinate in my business.
I am a six to niner.
It means I work on my day job for 8 hours (I’m a chemist by the way.) and then start to work on my business from 6 PM. When I’m done with household chores and dinner with family, I work from 6 PM to around 9 PM.
Three hours is enough. I knew some people who worked on their business this way and left their corporate job.
There are certain days that I need to go over three hours and sleep maybe around midnight, but I don’t do it often. I’m not a teenager or in my mid 20s anymore where I can burn the midnight oil and still pumped up the next day. I’m not the energizer bunny either.
These occasions, when I have to burn the midnight oil only happens when I have to launch a product or some circumstances arises and need to be address immediately.
Currently, I work as forensic chemist, and I don’t hate my job. For the record, I hated my previous job though.
Anyway, there are several reasons why people hate their jobs.
You don’t want to wake up early.
Your coworkers are not nice.
They don’t like their boss or superior.
and many more.
But the biggest question is why people still stay in their jobs even when though they hate it?
Money of course is the biggest motivator, but people who never quit their job even though they hated their jobs are kidding theme self.
You would hear things like “I hate my job but the benefit package is very nice.”
“I hate my co-workers but I know soon they will be retiring.”
Don’t kid yourself.
My previous job that I hated shook me. It was like somebody grabbed me and shook me and shouted in my ears, like a drill sergeant, “you have options soldier!”.
Since then I realized, I have options.
These options involves looking for a new job, love your job or grow a business. There are probably more options for you.
I chose to look for a new job and launch a business.
Was I scared when I jump ship? Of course, but you have to be fearless in order to win in this game of life. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear. That’s Mark Twain by the way talking.
The reality is that I was scared, but I always wanted to call my own shots and be the boss.
I tried eBay, I tried Amazon, I tried stocks and options. I was ready to dive in to real estate too but I found internet marketing.
To be specific, I went to direct response marketing using the internet.
What I like about direct response marketing is that it’s truly a numbers game. I’m a chemist, a scientist that is used to looking at numbers. Direct response marketing is like that, you look at the numbers if your ad performed well and that’s it. Your emotional attachment to the ad doesn’t matter. The numbers matter. If you don’t know the numbers, then you don’t have a business.
This is the business I’m scaling or growing. This is my other option in life.
Mike, a technician in the laboratory I worked told me he was resigning to trade currency full time. I asked him, “can’t you do it while still working here”?
He explained he is in his computer during odd hours.
He added that the best currencies to trade are in Europe, Asia and Australia. The time zones of this countries are so different from the US. He has to sleep at 6 PM and wake up at 2 AM to trade. He then goes to work at 8 AM.
Mike told me the lifestyle was not sustainable for him, health wise. But the best thing that he told me why he was resigning and work for himself is that “he has options not to work for somebody. It’s ingrain in our society that you have to have work.”
“Working as an employee is only an option, an option, and you have a choice not to work for somebody.” Mike added.
The information was gold to me that I made sure I remained friends with this kid even after he left.
As a side note, this kid just graduated college with a chemistry degree and we both love discussing the ins and outs of chemistry, statistics related to options and the like.
I am still in the process of growing my business, just like Mike. He texted me last January, motivating me to “crash this new year.” It’s total hard work. I’m working hard to make the business grow (so join my journey and I’ll show the ins and outs of growing an empire).
In the end, I don’t want to be part of the 80% who hate their work and don’t do anything about their situation.