Why the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team is Paid Less Compared To The Men’s.
Pay disparity opens up questions..
The U.S. Women’s soccer team won a back to back World Cup Championship yesterday, winning 2–0 against the Netherlands.
Now, here’s another fact: the U.S. women’s team, although winning their second straight championship, are paid less compared to their male counterpart. I want to add too that the men’s national soccer team never won the the World Cup. Their best finish was in the Elite Eight (if I’m going to use a College Basketball term) several years ago.
Then why is the U.S. women’s soccer team, even though more decorated than their counterpart, is paid less?
There are reasons to the madness.
They say that the men’s team plays more to qualify for the world cup. Unlike the women’s team that plays less than half of the game compared to the guys in order to qualify for the World Cup.
Others reasoned out that the men’s team generate more revenues than the women’s.
But I don’t think the females agree with those reasons, that’s why they brought this matter to the court.
One of complain is inequalities due to sexism. And I believe it’s being debated in the court of law right now to resolve the problem.
Think about it though, the argument will be probably the same in the workplace. Imagine a female worker that works as efficient as his male counterparts, with the same title as his male counterpart, but in the end, the women is paid less, for whatever reason. (You could be one of them, more qualified, more experience but the boss’ pet are rewarded more).
But why are the females’ income is less that the average male if you compare them side by side?
This is the very question behind the U.S. Women’s argument for equality. The females work hard or harder, and the male counterparts are more rewarded?
Where’s the justice?
Every time I hear a person complain about things in my work, and telling me that there’s inequality, I always thought to myself “why not ask for a pay raise?”.
It’s not a guarantee that your request will be granted, but there’s no harm in asking for pay raises though.
You know what’s the best way to guarantee a pay raise? — Own a business. Owning a business will show you when you’ll have a pay raise.
I was watching Russel Brunson on YouTube and explained that doctor’s pay will always have a ceiling for their skills. They are paid only for a certain amount. You can do overtime probably and your take home pay would increase.
It’s the same for nurses, engineers or librarians.
Owning a business however, can push your worth because you own the business. A doctor can stay in the hospital longer and paid double but in the end, the doctor is still
trading dollars with time.
Unlike a business owner however, he can double his time in the field and can increase his sales and eventually giving him more money — a pay raise.
The problem with business though is that you don’t know where to start. Added to the confusion is the media’s portrayal business failures. What they don’t understand is that if you have a foundational knowledge, your chances of success grows exponentially.
People fails in business selling a product, and at the same token, people succeed in business selling the same product.
What I’m trying to tell is that there is a method to growing a business.
That’s the reason why I’m giving you a free gift on how to start a business.
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To tell you honestly, after failing in several business start-up, this book laid out on me how to start the business.
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